When it comes to machine parts and supporting structures with simple geometry, stresses can be identified quickly – analytical formulas and manual calculations often suffice. However, this is not the case for complex components. Here, numerical simulations are needed to obtain reliable information on strain and strength. This is where finite element analysis comes in, as it allows us to precisely and accurately determine the strength of complex components.
To complete the analysis, we first split your component into ‘finite elements‘, i.e. into small partial bodies, ideally based on a CAD geometry model. We can then precisely calculate the stress on these small-structured geometries. The finite elements analysis (FE analysis) is then applied to the component through numerical integration and the computationally formulated addition of each finite element’s stiffness to the stiffness matrix of the entire component. The resulting equation system often consists of several million unknowns. Powerful computers can perform such tasks and deliver meaningful results.Whether temperatures and strains, or pressure and forces, FE analysis provides information about each physical process in a solid state. This makes it possible to quantify tensions and heat distribution relatively accurately in a solid object.
Finally, a graphical model illustrates the results of the FE analysis. Thanks to the colour distribution in contour plots, a component’s critical areas are immediately recognisable. For example, blue and green tones could represent stable zones, while orange to light red areas are subject to increased loads. Finally, deep red serves to highlight hotspots, where the component is no longer sufficiently strong.
Thanks to these findings, components can be optimised during the design process – thus saving you time and reducing development costs! In addition, the results of the analysis serve as proof of the component’s safety.